Bulletin Notes to Author

The Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society publishes papers after peer review process in different branches of mathematics and allied sciences.
Authors should submit their manuscripts via online submission at http://www.calmathsociety.co.in. Submission of a manuscript will be held to imply that it has not been previously published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; and further, that if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere.
Authors will receive ordinarily one proof for corrections. Corrections to the proofs should be restricted to printer’s errors only and made according to standard practice, Cost of any other corrections will be charged to the authors.
Authors are required to inform the Editorial Secretary of any change of address which may occur whilst their papers are in the process of publication.
The processing charges of the paper at the rate of Rs. 300/- per manuscripts page up to 10 pages, after 10 pages Rs. 350/- per page for author of Indian Institutions and US $ 25.00 per manuscripts page up to 10 pages, after 10 pages $ 30.00 per page for Foreign authors. The manuscripts will be sent to the press only after receipt of the proceeding charge. Free soft copy to be sent to the Authors.


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